Kathryn Worrall

Houston, Texas
New Mexico native. Current Houstonian. Baylor University class of 2015. Staff writer and assistant public relations manager at Vacation Publications.


Kathryn Worrall

Shooting Video
Final Cut Pro
AP Style
Social media management
Adobe Premiere
Google Analytics

I was first published when I was in the third grade and wrote a story about my grandfather's battle with cancer. In the story, he dies. In real life, he lived. The story went on to be published in a collection of children's short stories. He never knew of the story, let alone read it, but I learned an important lesson - it is always OK to kill off your family for a good story.

Since then, I have taken a more ethically sound approach to writing. I have worked at a city newspaper in Santa Fe, New Mexico; a city magazine in Waco, Texas; and Baylor University's student newspaper.

I am currently a staff writer for two of Vacation Publications' magazines, Vacations and Travel 50 & Beyond. I'm also the assistant manager for public relations for Where to Retire magazine.

To contact: worrallkathryn@gmail.com